Microwave oven to make popcorn very quickly, we all know that the traditional practice of popcorn is made with a pressure cooker-like container heated. Currently sold in the cinema, as far as I know is the microwave oven or oven to make out. Then we can also make microwave popcorn at home. ▼
a small amount of small corn kernels (disposable paper cups a small half-cup amount, go to the farmers market or supermarket to buy when the instructions are available to make popcorn kernels), salt (or sugar / cream) half a spoon, cooking oil half a spoon, large paper bag (or large glass container with a lid)
1. small corn kernels with half a spoonful of salt, half a spoonful of cooking oil mix well (want to eat sweet salt for sugar or melted cream), put in a large paper bag (length and width of about A4 paper size) ▼
2. Seal the paper bag as firmly as possible in the picture below, otherwise the bag will be burst open by the popcorn ▼
3. The most critical step. Place in the microwave oven, for insurance purposes, the first microwave oven on high heat for 2 minutes, do not go away, listen carefully to the sound of corn popping in the microwave oven, when you realize that the sound of the explosion began to slow down from fast, immediately turn off the fire. This time is about 2 minutes. Of course, different microwave oven ding time will vary. Do not remove immediately after turning off the heat, but leave the microwave oven open for a few minutes before enjoying▼
Key Reminder.
▶ This practice has the potential risk of catching fire, do not move away when the explosion, the first time you do it can only set 2 minutes, one minute a minute to ding the best, to find the best time.
▶ turn off the fire immediately when you realize that the sound of the explosion starts to slow down from fast.
▶ Do not take out immediately after turning off the heat, leave the microwave oven open for a few minutes before enjoying. If you find a mushy smell after dinging, it means you dinged it for a long time, throw it away and make it again.
▶ When making in other containers, cover with a lid, but be careful not to seal it!
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