Microwave oven to make popcorn very quickly, we all know that the traditional practice of popcorn is made with a pressure cooker-like container heated. Currently sold in the cinema, as far as I know is the microwave oven or oven to make out. Then we can also make microwave popcorn at home . ▼ Materials. a small amount of small corn kernels (disposable paper cups a small half-cup amount, go to the farmers market or supermarket to buy when the instructions are available to make popcorn kernels), salt (or sugar / cream) half a spoon, cooking oil half a spoon, large paper bag (or large glass container with a lid) Steps. 1. small corn kernels with half a spoonful of salt, half a spoonful of cooking oil mix well (want to eat sweet salt for sugar or melted cream), put in a large paper bag (length and width of about A4 paper size) ▼ 2. Seal the paper bag as firmly as possible in the picture below, otherwise the bag wil...