Microwave popcorn is a quick and easy snack that can be made in just a few minutes using a microwave popcorn bag . Here's how to make popcorn in a microwave bag : Choose a microwave popcorn bag: There are many different brands of microwave popcorn bags available, so choose one that you like. Make sure the bag is not damaged and that the expiration date has not passed. Place the bag in the microwave: Place the popcorn bag in the center of the microwave and make sure it is not touching the sides of the microwave. If the bag touches the sides, it may not pop properly. Set the time: Set the microwave to the recommended time on the popcorn bag. This can vary depending on the brand and the power of your microwave, so check the instructions carefully. Listen for popping: As the popcorn starts to pop, listen for the popping sound to slow down. This is a sign that the popcorn is almost done. Stop the microwave: When the popping sound slows down to 2-3 seconds between pops, sto...